Ice Time™

Now Available for Lakes Near You!

Choosing your Area of Interest

Watch the video to learn about how to choose your Area of Interest (AOI) on Ice Time Desktop.

Step 1. Subscribe and join the Ice Time Pro tribe here:

Step 2. IMPORTANT: Choose your area of interest from the “Available Imagery” located on the home screen.

Each subscriber chooses their own area of interest (AOI) to ensure you have data for the areas you visit.

Once you have selected your AOI for this winter, it will be shown in red. If your AOI is not shown by any of the satellite footprints, no worry. Just contact us…the users direct where we image.

You can toggle “View or Select Monitoring Areas” to see your AOI and all others selected in your region, which are available to you. AOI’s with image data available are shown in green.

When you first request an image footprint, it may take some time for your time series data to be generated and published. Congrats, it’s a chance for you to be chill and check out the Ice Time Academy!

Watch the video to learn about how to choose your Area of Interest (AOI) on Ice Time Mobile.